The hedgehog is very popular among the animals in the forest. Sometimes they leave something for him on the path. Squirrels leave nuts, deer leave mushrooms, and the little hedgehog collects them between its yellow quills and carries them to its burrow. However, there's a catch. The mushrooms and nuts are restless, so his load often falls off, and he has to start over.
The balancing toy HEDGEHOG IN THE FOREST will challenge children to stack load elements on the hedgehog's back. The elements themselves differ in shape and weight. Wooden hazelnuts are heavy and smooth to the touch. Cork mushrooms, on the other hand, are lightweight and porous to the touch.
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The balancing toy supports children's development in:
- social skills,
- observation skills,
- concentration and patience,
- fine motor skills,
- logical thinking.
The toy is suitable for one player, but two players can also have fun with it!
The child places cork and wooden elements on the hedgehog in any order so they do not fall off.
GAME RULES for two players:
Players divide the load elements in half and determine the order.
They alternately place any elements on the hedgehog.
If a player drops an element they are placing on the hedgehog, or if they drop several, they must take them all and continue playing with them.
The winner is the first player to place all their cork and wooden elements on the hedgehog.
The packaging includes:
1 cork hedgehog
8 cork yellow triangles
4 wooden hazelnuts
4 cork mushrooms
Suitable for children aged 2 and up.
Made in Slovakia.